Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Going home :)
After two nights at the hospital we thought it was time to go home! Ana Maria stayed with a babysitter at home the first night and the second night Eduardo stayed with her at home. It has been awesome ever since with two little girls in our house!!

Sweet Friends!!
We have so many sweet friends! I don't even know where to start in thanking everyone for your prayers, help, gifts, meals, and friendship most of all! These are just a couple of the friends that came to the hospital to meet Kathryn but there were so many others who have helped us and Ana Maria also. You know who you are and thank you!! We will never be able to thank you enough!!





Jennifer had her baby Joshua on Thursday :)

Tara is going to have her baby girl tomorrow!
Jennifer had her baby Joshua on Thursday :)
Tara is going to have her baby girl tomorrow!
She is a BIG Sister!
Ana Maria loves her baby sister Kathryn!! These are pictures from the first time she saw her at the hospital. She hasn't taken her eyes off her since and always wants to help take care of her and love her!
Kathryn had a present waiting for her big sister and Ana Maria loved it, an Arial barbie doll! Ana Maria also had a present for her little sister too. It was so cute to see them exchange gifts :)

Kathryn had a present waiting for her big sister and Ana Maria loved it, an Arial barbie doll! Ana Maria also had a present for her little sister too. It was so cute to see them exchange gifts :)
It's a GIRL!!!
It's a GIRL!!
Kathryn Cristina Rincon,
Born August 23rd, 2010 at 12:37pm
8 lbs. 4 oz.
20 inches long
WE ARE SO HAPPY!! I still can't believe that I have two girls! I am so lucky!! I really thought this baby was going to be a boy because my pregnancy was so different. Eduardo thought the whole time it was going to be a girl because of a dream he had. I remember when the nurse yelled out that it was a girl, I was just in shock!
(Here is the birth story...more for my memory!)
Monday morning, August 23rd I had an appt. with the doctor at 8:30am. Eduardo was going to go with me because we were going to make a big decision about whether I should be induced Thursday or not. Ana Maria was going to my friend Catherines house so she would be taken care of. That morning, around 4 I woke up with a cramp feeling in my stomach. I walked around and felt my first contraction. I couldn't believe it! I would lay down and then get back up again to see if it was false labor. They never went away! Eduardo and I just laid there and talked about what the game plan should be from 4-6, then got moving when we knew this was for real!!
We wanted Ana Maria to sleep as long as she could because we knew her day was going to be long. We made sure we had everything we needed for the hospital and planned to take Ana Maria to Catherine's house a little early to be able to be at the clinic when they opened. I was having regular contractions but nothing too painful.
We dropped Ana Maria off and even went to open up the tennis courts for the guys before heading to the hospital, haha!
Once we got to the hospital at 8:00 we didn't know where we should go, the clinic or to triage. The nurse came out and talked to me and sent us upstairs to be evaluated. I was 6cm when we got there at 8:30 and 90% efaced!! We knew this was going to go fast!
They got me in a room right away and not even 2 hours later I was at 8cm and 100% efaced. The doctor came in to break my water and immediantly the pain began! I wanted to do a natural birth and I did!! I am so proud of myself!! Once she broke my water it all happened so fast. Within the hour I became complete and started to push. I was in a lot of pain but the hardest part for me was the pushing. I pushed for almost an hour and out she came!!
Ana Maria was at Catherine's house all day and after her nap and all the commotion ended, Eduardo brought her to the room to see her sister. It was an emotional moment and one we had waited so long for! Her reaction was a laugh and a smile :) I will never forget it!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Potty trained!!
Ana Maria is officially potty trained and it took one day!! ONE DAY!! I told Eduardo the other night I never thought our daughter would be potty trained. Everyone said that she should be before the new baby came to make things easier but I just didn't care and never minded changing her diaper. I never pushed it or even really mentioned the potty to Ana Maria. She would see her older friends use it though and I think that probably had the biggest influence on her wanting to do it also.
Last Sunday (the 15th) she woke up and said she wanted to go potty in the morning so we went and she actually went. From that moment on she went all day and all this last week with only one accident while we were outside playing. I was asking her a lot and she never needed to go when I asked but she always tells me and Eduardo. She has told us everywhere we have gone like gymnastics and stores we've been in. I love it!
We made the big trip to Walmart Monday night when we thought she was really trained to buy the Tinker Bell panties and she is so proud!! ME TOO!!
Beauty & The Beast Show
I was so excited when I found out that Disney's Beauty and the Beast show was coming to our local arts center. It was the real broadway production and we went! I knew she was going to love going and all the kids were suppose to dress up like their favorite prince and princess. We just happened to have the perfect dress for the occasion also, Belle's!
It was such a special family night and I am so glad we spent the money and went. She still talks about the evening often! Experiences like that they never forget!!

It was such a special family night and I am so glad we spent the money and went. She still talks about the evening often! Experiences like that they never forget!!
40 Weeks!! (I thought!)
Well I know the ticker on the top says that I am not due until the 28th but I believed all along that I was due the 21st, which was yesterday. My ultrasound (both of them) showed the 21st and I was measuring all along to deliver a week early. I guess I was wrong though because I still have baby Rincon inside of me!
The doctor had a good feeling that I would deliver this baby last week because of how progressed I was. I go tomorrow morning and we'll see what she says about this week :) Until then we anxiously await!!
I feel great, am sleeping good and eating good...I just want to see this baby! I know more than almost anyone though Ana Maria is anxious. She talks about baby girl or baby boy all day long and looks at my belly to tell the baby how much she loves it. I cannot wait until she sees the baby! I have some exciting things planned as a good way for Ana Maria to meet the baby and I hope it all turns out as planned. I know she is going to be such a good, proud big sister!!
I'll keep you updated after tomorrow morning's appointment!
The doctor had a good feeling that I would deliver this baby last week because of how progressed I was. I go tomorrow morning and we'll see what she says about this week :) Until then we anxiously await!!
I feel great, am sleeping good and eating good...I just want to see this baby! I know more than almost anyone though Ana Maria is anxious. She talks about baby girl or baby boy all day long and looks at my belly to tell the baby how much she loves it. I cannot wait until she sees the baby! I have some exciting things planned as a good way for Ana Maria to meet the baby and I hope it all turns out as planned. I know she is going to be such a good, proud big sister!!
I'll keep you updated after tomorrow morning's appointment!
Lunch & Bliss
Last week we went with the MOMS Club to a new resturant in town called Whole Earth Lounge. It was all organic food and a great buffet with yummy choices to choose from. Of course I couldn't get Ana Maria to eat anything, no surprise!!
Afterwards we did have to go get dessert though at a another new place, Bliss Cupcakes. It was right down the street and none of us had been there before. Ana Maria chose the strawberry cupcake and only ate two bites of the icing and said she was done. I got to eat the rest and it was awesome!
Here are pictures from Bliss. Lunch was too crazy with kids for me to take pictures there :)

Afterwards we did have to go get dessert though at a another new place, Bliss Cupcakes. It was right down the street and none of us had been there before. Ana Maria chose the strawberry cupcake and only ate two bites of the icing and said she was done. I got to eat the rest and it was awesome!
Here are pictures from Bliss. Lunch was too crazy with kids for me to take pictures there :)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Springdale Aquatic Park
I have been wanting to take Ana Maria to the aquatic park and just now did this week for the first time. It was so wonderful but I am sad that they are now closed during the week and we missed all our oppurtunities to go this summer. It was just her and I and we had a blast! We brought a picnic lunch and ate outside on our towels while we waited for them to open. Once they were open, we played and played! She was able to do mostly everything in the kiddie area alone and without floaties. I love playing with her in the water but I also love sitting back watching her make her own fun and entertainment!

Here she has a magic stick she told me!

Look at her crinkle nose!!
Here she has a magic stick she told me!
Look at her crinkle nose!!
Lots of birthday parties
Last weekend Ana Maria was invited to three birthday parties all in one day! We ended up making it to two of them, three was a bit much for me being 39 weeks pregnant and I was alone with her. Eduardo had a two day workshop he was attending in Bentonville.
The first was our sweet friend Bonnie and her little boy Thomas who turned one! It was a Thomas the Train theme and so cute!! I would love to do the same one day if I have a little boy :)
The second party was another good friend Eylem and her son Can from the MOMS Club. Ana Maria loves to play with him because he is such a nice, gentle boy. His was at gymnastics and a Mickey Mouse theme. Ana Maria loved that!!
I love taking her to birthday parties because she enjoyes everything so much about them. We practiced singing to each person as we were driving there and she eagerly hands the present to them when we get there. I don't wish for her to turn three anytime soon, but I know she'll love her own party even more this year when it is her turn!

Happy 1st Birthday Thomas!

They said they couldn't look at the camera because they were busy, haha!
The first was our sweet friend Bonnie and her little boy Thomas who turned one! It was a Thomas the Train theme and so cute!! I would love to do the same one day if I have a little boy :)
The second party was another good friend Eylem and her son Can from the MOMS Club. Ana Maria loves to play with him because he is such a nice, gentle boy. His was at gymnastics and a Mickey Mouse theme. Ana Maria loved that!!
I love taking her to birthday parties because she enjoyes everything so much about them. We practiced singing to each person as we were driving there and she eagerly hands the present to them when we get there. I don't wish for her to turn three anytime soon, but I know she'll love her own party even more this year when it is her turn!
Happy 1st Birthday Thomas!
They said they couldn't look at the camera because they were busy, haha!
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