Saturday Ana Maria and I were invited by our friends to go to a corn maze and farm. I have never been to one so I knew it was going to be exciting! It was GREAT! If you are in NW Arkansas and have not been, you need to go. Eduardo didn't get to go with us because of tennis, but I hope we can go with him again before it closes on Nov. 8th.
Thank you to Drew, Tamara and Amy for inviting us along!
It was freezing cold but we bundled up and did everything they offered. We were there for over 4 hours with so much to do :) The website is if you want more information. Here are some highlights from our fun day!

Nethier of us knew how much fun we were going to have, especially in the freezing cold!

This was the corn cannon

They had a great pumpkin patch with hot apple cider :)
This was the view as we were walking in through the barn where we bought our tickets

They had animals for the kids to look at

She liked watching the chickens :)

Tamara helped her go down the slide

She loved it! You sat on a board and it went slow down.

Of couse rocks are always a highlight!

This was hay that they put pipes through so you could talk to the other side.

The corn maze had a short maze and a long maze. We took the little kids through the short maze because we heard the long maze was really muddy.

She almost got lost she wanted to run so far ahead of us. It was scary!

They found random corn everywhere :)

She kept right up with all the big kids!

We really didn't know which way to go most of the time. It was really hard!

Sometimes the kids even wanted to get off the path...

Ana Maria and I waiting to get on the cow train


Here is the bunch of kids that we were with, all waiting to get on the train!

We didn't know if she should sit alone but she did :)

She was strapped in :) I think I was more nervous than she was about it!

They went far away...all through the farm, even past real cows!

Here is all the kids and they were all so good, and cold!!
The corn box, instead of a sand box, was a huge hit with Ana Maria!

At first she was not too sure about it but then jumped right in.

I even saw her try to take her shoes and socks off :)
We were not at the beach on a warm day for that!!

She was even laying down in it. I just washed her clothes from that day and found tons of corn in the washing machine!!

We had to take a snack break :)

She loved pushing the tire swings with Tamara's help

Here she is again!!

She loved the pumpkin patch, so much that she thought you could lay and walk on top of the pumpkins!
We really had to talk about how you act around pumpkins :) She thought they were toys!

She loved walking through them :)

And trying to walk on top of them again!!

Here is Tamara and Kenzie with Ana Maria and I. Tamara is the other teacher in the class with me! I like her and her family so much!!

Ana Maria enjoying the hayride, although she did not want to sit down. It made us all nervous!

Here is the whole bunch!! Amy and her son Zade (Tamara's sister), Tamara, Drew and their three kids, Kenzie, Addy and Caden, and Ana Maria and I!