Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, June 20, 2011

Mom Prom

This is funny!! Some good friends of mine are in another moms group and invited me to come along with them to Mom Prom...I was all about it! My friend Lindsay let me borrow some dresses of hers and I also had this awful pink dress in my closet from another friend. I knew everyone else was wearing serious prom dresses so I thought it would be funny (totally not my personality!) to wear something crazy. Eduardo was not home and I could not get the dress zipped so I called my neighbor to help. She encouraged me to wear the funny dress with Ana Maria's crown and so I did. I was so nervous!! You know you have good friends when you walk into the house and everyone screams and is so excited for you!
Let me remind you that I only knew these girls and I wouldn't know anyone else at the Prom. They knew instantly that I would be voted Prom Queen and I did, they were so excited for me!! It was such a fun night with my friends, a night I will never forget!!