The girls and I met my parents in South Carolina the week of Easter. We usually always go on a vacation during my moms spring break and it is always around Easter and Good Friday. The girls and I (Eduardo was with the team) flew to Orlando, spent the night in a hotel with my parents, woke up the next morning and drove 5 hours to Charleston.
Not bad for $300.00 compared to $1,000 for flying directly into Charleston :)
Both girls were so good on the drive and it helped having a big mini van, a dvd player, my sister, and my mom and dad to help entertain.
We picked Charleston this year because my girls have never met my grandmother or any of my dads side of the family. It was a wonderful time and a time I will never forget with my grandmother being able to hold my girls!!

She earned her wings from the Pilot after being such a good girl on the flight

Sarah entertaining Ana Maria in the back seat with a ring pop!

Kathryn cruisin' in her chair!

Kathryn meeting Grandma Sarah for the first time

And then it was Ana Maria's turn!

I am so proud to be a mom to my two girls!!

Grandma Sarah gave the girls Easter baskets with plastic eggs, candy and stuffed animals. Everything was a such hit the whole week.

I played with this bell as a kid and it is still there. My dad was standing right there in case it came down though...which he thought might happen...

Grandma has fun decorations in her yard

Aunt Sarah!! Ohh I love her! She is the biggest help and sweetest Aunt the girls could ever ask for!!

Ana Maria hunted eggs about 100 times that week :)

Walking to the best BBQ place in South Carolina, Duke's!