I got a phone call from a marketing agency looking for toddlers to do a photo shoot for Halloween costume packaging. I thought it was a total scam but it ended up being so awesome and real! My mom went with me which helped a lot but Ana Maria was so cooperative. She was assigned to be there at 1:00 which I thought was going to be terrible because of her not getting a nap. Instead she was so interested in everything around her that she listened to the people so well and ended up being in 5 costumes!
It was a professional shoot with camera people, a makeup artist and hair stylist. Ana Maria didn't get makeup but had her hair brushed, hairsprayed and sprayed with shine!
When we left I asked how I would know if she made the packaging and they said she made all 5 costume packages!! I can contact the agency in November to find out which stores will carry them but they are for 2011 Halloween.
She made money, we had a fun experience and she was such a sweet, cooperative girl. We might be in business!!

I don't know if cameras were allowed but mom and I quickly snapped a couple secretly :)
My sweet girl waiting her turn :) They had TV's everywhere and snacks to keep them entertained during the shoots.