Christmas day we spent at my house, besides going to Eduardo's brother's house that night.
She woke up and right away we made a big deal about Santa Claus. She ran to wake up my parents, my brother and my sister (Chris had also stayed with us that night to be here). They all woke up with her dragging them out of bed and we went straight to find our stockings. Ana Maria loved that she had a stocking with fun stuff inside. We all did!
We gathered around the living room and she was the first to open. Ana Maria passed out presents to everyone and we go around in a circle so we can see what each person got. Sometimes Ana Maria couldn't wait her turn though and we would see her opening!
We were all so surprised by many things. That's always how my mom and dad are! It was a very fun morning especially for Ana Maria. My parents and brother and sister, always make everything so special for Ana Maria and I love that!

Ana Maria found her stocking...the biggest one!

She was showing dad her stocking :)

This is her waking up Lee with her stocking that she found!

She had lots of fun card games in her stocking that we have enjoyed playing.

These were princess brown lunch bags that mom found for her :)

The opening begins!!

This must have been Chris's turn to open, Sarah's boyfriend.

Chris gave Chris this purse with a bag inside but she refused to let Sarah open it. She thought most things were for her!

She loved this Dora dancing wand that Chris gave her :)

These were awesome beads that mom and dad gave her that she can string together.
She got lots of new books!

Ana Maria gave my dad a coffee mug with pictures of her on it, but she wanted to have it!

Mom got her the Disney Princess lunchbox and Sarah got her the backpack that we are going to get monogrammed :)

These are my new slippers that she calls "boots!"

She got the whole Disney Princess collection of shoes and crowns. She loved them!
After opening presents with my family, we had a nice breakfast and got everything ready for the afternoon when all my extended family from my moms side was coming over to eat. Ana Maria took her nap and everyone came at 3:00. It was fun being with my aunt and uncle who I like very much and all my cousins. Chris's mom even came which was nice and Nicole's boyfriend, Shannon. We ate a delicious meal, opened more presents and played games!

Ana Maria showing off her Princess shoes to everyone :)

Uncle John and Eduardo enjoying the South Florida Christmas by the pool :)

This is my cousin Nicole, her boyfriend Shannon and my Aunt Leslie.

Shelby and Nicole are sweet sister :)

Everyone was listening to Shelby read the Christmas Story before we ate.
My brother Lee is in the background with my cousin AJ. His fiancee Kerri is in the pink dress. They are getting married in May!

Nicole loves Ana Maria!

Shelby reading the Christmas Story

Our delicious food!!
Aunt Leslie and Ana Maria :)

They loved playing with eachother!

I love how every picture she has a different Princess shoe on. She is also showing off her whistle skills to Eduardo.

I finally got a picture of us!

She was in charge of passing out the gifts and did such a good job!

Going back for more...Shelby read the name and she passed it out!

She is always the center of attention!!

She even wanted to help Uncle John open is presents :)
Christmas was so much fun and so memorable! Thank you to everyone for all of your generous gifts. There was no way I could get a picture of everything, but I wanted to. Our next goal is to try and pack everything tight so it can all go with us to Arkansas!