Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Our train ride at the mall, which she was so excited for, turned out to be a disaster!
She was in the front all alone when another older boy came. I knew she wanted to ride alone so I didn't know how well she was going to do about it, but it was a public train and he had the right to sit in the front too. She was fine with it (sweet girl) until he took over the bell and would NOT let her ring it. I thought maybe he'll be sweet and hand it over after a few minutes, but never did! She was devastated!! My mom and I could both tell that she wanted to cry so hard but didn't because the boy was there.
When the train stopped I knew she was going to brake down to me and she did. I have never felt so sad before for her! The sweet man working the train let Ana Maria go back inside the train by herself and ring the bell all she wanted. It was a sweet ending but I don't know if she was still completly satisfied...ever felt like that before?
Ana Maria is just so sweet!!

Here she is hoping he'll let her have a chance...

She just wanted out of there...

Look at that face...poor baby girl!

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