Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My birthday!

Last Wednesday, September 30th, I celebrated my 27th birthday! It was a fun filled day that started at school (work) with all the children and my friend in the class, Tamara. Tamara and all the rest of the teachers brought snacks that we could eat throughout the morning which was a special treat! Owen walked in the class with donuts for snack for everyone because of my birthday! A lot of the kids brought me a little something also which was so sweet!

After school and naps, Ambre arranged for Ana Maria and some other friends to meet at Flying Burrito for dinner. Eduardo had to teach a private lesson so he didn't get to come (that's another reason we planned dinner so I wouldn't be alone!). Ambre, Owen, Addyson, Valerie, Caroline, Emily, Anna Katherine and Harris came. It was so much fun eating together and Emily even surprised me with a pina colada!! I wanted to take a group picture of the table but it started getting hectic and crazy so we ate fast and eating out always ends up being like! I was able to take one early on of Ana Maria and Owen eating chips though. Thank you girls for spending a fun evening with me!

Thursday night our friend Natalia was in a play so Patricia and I planned since last year to go together! We went together last year and stayed out afterwards until almost 12 so this year we had to warn our husbands it would happen again! This time to celebrate Natalia's great performance and also my birthday! It was so late when we left the play that our only option was Chili's to eat and drink but we still had a great time. Thank you girls for celebrating another fun night with me!

This is Alexandra and I at Chili's on our side of the booth :)

Natalia and Patricia on thier side of the booth :)

A fun night together at Chili's!


Anonymous said...

didn't your husband do anything for your birthday?

Nancy said...

Happy 27th birthday. Everyone looks happy!

Carolina Girl said...

Happy belated bday! You and my sister share the day!