She out Anna Catherine in a laundry basket and pulled up with a belt attached to it. She had her husbands boots on and plastic bags around Anna Catherine's feet so they wouldn't get wet. It was the most clever thing I have ever seen! I was so proud of them for making the hike over! I guess that's what cabin fever will do to you :)
The girls made snow ice cream together and played till their little hearts were hungry for lunch. It was a fun time! Thank you Emily and Anna Catherine for coming to play!
*These pictures are for our Florida family who find this sooo hard to believe :)
Ana Maria waiting so patiently for her friend to come :)
Here she is pulling her in the laundry basket!!
The snow was right put to the door so it was hard to get in...
Bless their hearts!
They loved the snow ice cream Emily made for us :)
I should have taken a picture of Emily and I eating our ice cream too. I told her it tasted like Chick fil a. It was so much better than the one I made the night before!
After Ana Maria took her nap, our friends Autumn and Sara called to invite us to the mall. I was a little nervous about getting there but wanted to be brave and try it. I was afraid of getting home in the dark though so they offered to come pick us up in their BIG truck. It was so much fun with all three girls in the back seat and Greg, Autumn and I in the front. I would have never made it in my small car without sliding or getting stuck somewhere. You really needed his big truck to get anywhere and we were so thankful they offered to come get us. The girls had so much fun at the mall, playing and eating Chick fil A. We are so blessed to have such special friends like them to do fun things with!